This paper provides a background for action research in China. The context is a training programme for Chinese vocational practitioners led by British Teacher Educators, teaching through Chinese interpreters. Teacher education and training in China are outlined, and an author case study provided. Global trends in vocational education have been considered, and reference made to the Chinese government’s plans for reforming and developing education. The Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes have been summarised to set the scene for the action research that will be reported in a further paper, which will consider the ways in which teaching through interpretation affects both learning and teaching on these programmes. In this paper, the following terms apply: the trainer is the United Kingdom (UK) Teacher Educator, the interpreter is the member of the Chinese university staff who interprets on the training programme and the teachers are the Chinese teachers attending the training.
How to Cite
Jiajin, Z. & Burrows, J., (2013) “Lost in translation? A background to action research into teacher education and training in China through interpreters”, Teaching in Lifelong Learning 5(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/till.2013.5113