The paper describes an Anthology Project for newly-qualified teachers in the post-compulsory sector, designed to celebrate their achievements and to encourage the dissemination of their work via a printed and bound set of papers. The teachers worked in Further Education Colleges (FECs), Sixth Form Colleges, private training providers and Adult and Community Education (ACE) and had recently completed an in-service Initial Teacher Training (ITT) qualification. Some held secure, full-time positions, while others had part-time or insecure work. The project supported their transition from trainee to fully qualified, recognised professional teacher by promoting the value of their scholarship and its impact on practice. A rationale is provided, exploring themes of good practice in Higher Education (HE) using concepts of student as producer and as change agent. The paper draws on Eraut’s (2004) writing on the formation of professional identity and Wenger’s (1998) work on communities of practice. Vignettes are provided, using Bourdieu’s (1986) work on social and cultural capital to analyse the contrasting situations of two participants. The use of the Anthology to support other trainees is described. A recommendation is made for similar projects to be developed.
How to Cite
Richardson, G., (2013) “The Anthology Project: giving voice to the silent scholars”, Teaching in Lifelong Learning 5(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/till.2013.5132