Developing reflective skills and habits during initial teacher education and progressing to deeper and more critical reflection are challenges for trainee teachers. This small-scale action research study investigates how two structured tasks using Digital Voice Recorders (DVRs) initiated, sustained and improved reflection and reflective practice. Trainee teachers reported benefits in increased understanding of reflection, development of reflective skills, deepening of reflection and improvements in practice through joint reflection with Teacher Educators on specific aspects of teaching and learning. The structuring of the tasks with prompts and dialogue clearly contributed to the positive outcomes. The study suggests that use of the small, convenient and relatively low cost DVR technology has a place in learning to reflect.
How to Cite
Knill, M. & Samuels, M., (2011) “The contribution of audio recording using portable digital voice recorders to the development of reflective practice with trainee teachers in a Further Education setting”, Teaching in Lifelong Learning 3(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/till.2011.3249