The transition from teacher to Teacher Educator is not simple, and this paper considers what factors may need to be acknowledged if there is to be appropriate support of this process of change. The variety of possible journeys for Teacher Educators, the rate of policy change in the sector, the breadth of practice areas and levels of qualifications offered are so broad that a single route or process could be restrictive and inappropriate. By looking at key issues this paper hopes to come to some conclusions about where to focus further research, and what factors could appropriately form the basis for Teacher Educator development. At the heart of this is learning, which is also the process and product of change. This paper considers: the term ‘Teacher Educator’; whether a recognised route for professional development might be of benefit; and whether a route for professional development would, or could, usefully support these processes.
How to Cite
Exley, S., (2010) “Dealing with change: Teacher Educators in the Lifelong Learning Sector”, Teaching in Lifelong Learning 2(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/till.2010.2224