Mentoring has become a key to success in many fields and different organisations, and has now become one of the important roles within initial teacher training in the Lifelong Learning Sector. The training of mentors, in particular, subject specialist mentors, is therefore fundamental to ensure that trainees on initial teacher training courses develop with regard to teaching and ensuring they have the necessary subject knowledge. Research was based on a case study at the University Campus Barnsley (part of the University of Huddersfield). Findings from subject specialist mentors, through focus groups, and trainees on a Certificate in Education/Professional or Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Cert Ed/PGCE) initial teacher training course, through questionnaires highlighted some interesting development needs. The research has found that there is a changing profile of the subject specialist mentor who supports trainees on initial teacher training courses, in particular they feel that they are not only mentors, but also coaches.
How to Cite
Bailey, W. & Schoch, J., (2010) “Subject Specialist Mentors in the LifeLong Learning Sector: who needs them? A case study approach”, Teaching in Lifelong Learning 2(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/till.2010.215