This work reports on a conference held by SUNCETT(University of Sunderland Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training) held in May 2009. The event, which involved keynotes from Professor Michael Fielding and Professor Frank Coffield, explored notions of collaborative practice between colleagues in the post compulsory sector. In drawing on the experiences of the many practitioners who attended the conference, the paper concludes that a more sustainable sector is possible where trust is nurtured; time, space, and designated places are provided for practitioners’ development; where open and frequent dialogue between colleagues, and staff and learners is established; and where a greater sense of a combined vision and shared values is created.
How to Cite
Atkinson, M. & Duffy, K., (2010) “How do we create lasting and radical change in post-14 education?”, Teaching in Lifelong Learning 2(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/till.2010.2156