In marked distinction from other sectors of education, around 90 percent of Further Education (FE) staff in England are employed untrained and complete their Initial Teacher Training (ITT) on a part-time in-service basis. By consequence, these staff sustain the dual role of employed teacher and teacher-trainee usually at the beginning of their career. This paper reports on a project funded by ESCalate which researched the dual roles and dual identities of employee and trainee on in-service FE teacher-training courses. It argues that the lack of a culture of pedagogical development in colleges along with the pressure for trainees to quickly cope with teaching can lead to conservative practice as expedience may be prioritised over flair. In response, the paper makes recommendations to enhance the experience and development of in-service teacher trainees.
How to Cite
Orr, K., (2009) “Dual roles and dual identities: enhancing the experience of in-service teacher training in English Further Education”, Teaching in Lifelong Learning 1(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/till.2009.125